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Das hier ist die Spielwiese der Ardapedia. Auf dieser Seite kann und darf jeder nach Herzenslust herumprobieren und -spielen um zu sehen, was passiert.

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Sei mutig, aber beachte bitte, dass von hier aus verlinkte Seiten nicht mehr zur Spielwiese gehören.


Hat das schonmal einer sinnvoll eingesetzt? Also, Gnuplot ist cool, aber... hmmm...

<gnuplot> set key left box set samples 50 plot [-10:10] sin(x),atan(x),cos(atan(x)) </gnuplot>

<gnuplot> set dummy u,v set format x "%3.2f" set format y "%3.2f" set format z "%3.2f" unset key set parametric set samples 50, 50 set style function dots set title "Lattice test for random numbers" 0.000000,0.000000 font "" set xrange [ 0.00000 : 1.00000 ] noreverse nowriteback set yrange [ 0.00000 : 1.00000 ] noreverse nowriteback set zrange [ 0.00000 : 1.00000 ] noreverse nowriteback splot rand(0), rand(0), rand(0) </gnuplot>

<gnuplot> set dummy u,v set label 1 "increasing v" at 6, 0, -1 left norotate back nopoint set label 2 "u=0" at 5, 6.5, -1 left norotate back nopoint set label 3 "u=1" at 5, 6.5, 0.100248 left norotate back nopoint set arrow 1 from 5, -5, -1.2 to 5, 5, -1.2 back nofilled linetype -1 linewidth 1.000 set arrow 2 from 5, 6, -1 to 5, 5, -1 back nofilled linetype -1 linewidth 1.000 set arrow 3 from 5, 6, 0.100248 to 5, 5, 0.100248 back nofilled linetype -1 linewidth 1.000 set parametric set view 70, 20, 1, 1 set samples 51, 51 set isosamples 2, 33 set hidden3d offset 1 trianglepattern 3 undefined 1 altdiagonal bentover set ztics border nomirror norotate -1.00000,0.25,1.00000 set title "\"fence plot\" using separate parametric surfaces" 0.000000,0.000000 font "" set xlabel "X axis" -3.000000,-2.000000 font "" set xrange [ -5.00000 : 5.00000 ] noreverse nowriteback set ylabel "Y axis" 3.000000,-2.000000 font "" set yrange [ -5.00000 : 5.00000 ] noreverse nowriteback set zlabel "Z axis" -5.000000,0.000000 font "" set zrange [ -1.00000 : 1.00000 ] noreverse nowriteback sinc(u,v) = sin(sqrt(u**2+v**2)) / sqrt(u**2+v**2) xx = 6.08888888888889 dx = 1.10888888888889 x0 = -5 x1 = -3.89111111111111 x2 = -2.78222222222222 x3 = -1.67333333333333 x4 = -0.564444444444444 x5 = 0.544444444444445 x6 = 1.65333333333333 x7 = 2.76222222222222 x8 = 3.87111111111111 x9 = 4.98 splot [u=0:1][v=-4.99:4.99] x0, v, (u<0.5) ? -1 : sinc(x0,v) notitle, x1, v, (u<0.5) ? -1 : sinc(x1,v) notitle, x2, v, (u<0.5) ? -1 : sinc(x2,v) notitle, x3, v, (u<0.5) ? -1 : sinc(x3,v) notitle, x4, v, (u<0.5) ? -1 : sinc(x4,v) notitle, x5, v, (u<0.5) ? -1 : sinc(x5,v) notitle, x6, v, (u<0.5) ? -1 : sinc(x6,v) notitle, x7, v, (u<0.5) ? -1 : sinc(x7,v) notitle, x8, v, (u<0.5) ? -1 : sinc(x8,v) notitle, x9, v, (u<0.5) ? -1 : sinc(x9,v) notitle


--Penngaladh 11:58, 13. Mär. 2008 (CET)