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- The History of Middle-earth volume III, The Lays of Beleriand
- The History of Middle-earth volume IV, The Shaping of Middle-earth
- The History of Middle-earth volume IX, Sauron Defeated
- The History of Middle-earth volume V, The Lost Road (and other writings)
- The History of Middle-earth volume VI, The Return of the Shadow
- The History of Middle-earth volume VII, The Treason of Isengard
- The History of Middle-earth volume VIII, The War of the Ring
- The History of Middle-earth volume X, Morgoth's Ring
- The History of Middle-earth volume XI, The War of the Jewels
- The History of Middle-earth volume XII, The Peoples of Middle-earth
- The History of Middle Earth
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- The Lord of the Rings: A Reader’s Companion
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